Faculty Publications - 2020
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(Faculty, postdocs, research associates, and students in our department are bolded)
(See 2017 Publications See 2018 Publications See 2019 Publications)
Ali, A., Wang, S. S., Ali, A. A., & Revels, J. (2020). CT for Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Primer for Residents. Current Radiology Reports, 8(9).
Armas-Phan, M., Keihani, S., Agochukwu-Mmonu, N., Cohen, A. J., Rogers, D. M., Wang, S. S., et al. (2020). Clinical and Radiographic Factors Associated With Failed Renal Angioembolization: Results From the Multi-institutional Genitourinary Trauma Study (Mi-GUTS). Urology.
Bane, O., Mendichovszky, I. A., Milani, B., … Morrell, G.., et al. (2020). Consensus-based technical recommendations for clinical translation of renal BOLD MRI. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 33(1), 199-215.
Consul, N., Venkatesan, A. M., Blair, K. J., Morshid, A., Menias, C. O., Shaaban, A. M., et al. (2020). Calcified Adrenal Lesions: Pattern Recognition Approach on Computed Tomography With Pathologic Correlation. Journal of computer assisted tomography, 44(2), 178-187.
Einerson, B. D., Comstock, J., Silver, R. M., Branch, D. W., Woodward, P. J., & Kennedy, A. (2020). Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorder: Uterine Dehiscence, Not Placental Invasion. Obstetrics and gynecology, 135(5), 1104-1111.
Elmohr, M. M., Blair, K. J., Menias, C. O., Nada, A., Shaaban, A. M., Sandrasegaran, K., et al. (2020). The Lesser Sac and Foramen of Winslow: Anatomy, Embryology, and CT Appearance of Pathologic Processes. American Journal of Roentgenology, 215(4), 843-851.
Elsayes, K. M., Elmohr, M. M., Javadi, S., Menias, C. O., … Shaaban, A. M., et al. (2020). Mimics, pitfalls, and misdiagnoses of adrenal masses on CT and MRI. Abdominal Radiology, 45(4), 982-1000.
Etchison, A., Menias, C. O., Ganeshan, D. M., Consul, N., Nada, A., Shaaban, A. M., et al. (2020). A review of anatomy, pathology, and disease spread in the perisplenic region. Abdominal Radiology.
Hanafy, A. K., Morani, A. C., Menias, C. O., Pickhardt, P. J., Shaaban, A. M., Mujtaba, B., et al. (2020). Hematologic malignancies of the gastrointestinal luminal tract. Abdominal Radiology, 45(10), 3007-3027.
Hubbard, L., Iriana, S., Carey, A., Odrobina, R., Sossenheimer, M., & Rogers, D. (2020). Radiographic and Endoscopic Features of Pancreaticoduodenal Malakoplakia. Pancreas, 49(3), 455-460.
Keihani S, Wang SS, Joyce RP, Rogers DM, et al.; in conjunction with the Trauma and Urologic Reconstruction Network of Surgeons (2020). External Validation of a Nomogram Predicting Risk of Bleeding Control Interventions after High-Grade Renal Trauma: The Multi-institutional Genito-Urinary Trauma Study (MiGUTS). J Trauma Acute Care Surg. Epub ahead of print.
Keihani S, Gross JA, Joyce RP, Wang SS,Rogers D, et al. (2020). The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Renal Grading System: Should Segmental Kidney Infarction be Classified as a Grade IV Injury? J Urol. Epub ahead of print.
Linstroth, L., Shaaban, A., & Wang, S. S. (2020). Imaging of Postoperative Biliary Complications. Current Radiology Reports, 8(11).
Luong, E., Ludwin, A., Winter, T., Yaklic, J., Maxwell, R. A., Bhagavath, B., et al. (2020). Saline-Air Hysterosalpingo-Contrast Sonography Is Equivalent to the Modified Hysterosalpingogram Following Hysteroscopic Sterilization. Ultrasound quarterly, 36(2), 138-145.
Nassar, S., Menias, C. O., Nada, A., Blair, K. J., Shaaban, A. M., Mellnick, V. M., et al. (2020). Morison’s pouch: anatomical review and evaluation of pathologies and disease spread on cross-sectional imaging. Abdominal Radiology, 45(8), 2315-2326.
Oliver, E. R., Maturen, K. E., Feldstein, V. A., Poder, L., … Winter, T., et al. (2020). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Assessment of Gravid Cervix. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 17(5), S26-S35.
Olpin, J., Fine, G. C., & Shaaban, A. (2020). Imaging of Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors. Current Radiology Reports, 8(12).
Olpin, J. D., & Strachowski, L. (2020). Imaging of Acute Pelvic Pain: Nonpregnant. Radiologic Clinics of North America, 58(2), 329-345.
Revels JW, Wang SS, Febbo J, Murali S, Luft K. (2020). Simultaneous pulmonary artery and Stanford type B aortic dissections via the ductus arteriosus. Radiol Case Rep. 15(11):2382-2384.
Revels, J. W., Wang, S. S., Nasrullah, A., Revzin, M., Iyer, R. S., Deutsch, G., et al. (2020). An algorithmic approach to complex fetal abdominal wall defects. American Journal of Roentgenology, 214(1), 218-231.
Revels JW, Wang SS, Richards A. (2020). Bilateral renal artery parvus tardus: a sign of aortic coarctation in pediatric patients. Abdom Radiol (NY), Epub ahead of print.
Robinson, K. A., Menias, C. O., Chen, L., Schiappacasse, G., Shaaban, A. M., Caserta, M. P., et al. (2020). Understanding malignant transformation of endometriosis: imaging features with pathologic correlation. Abdominal Radiology, 45(6), 1762-1775.
Smith, T., Zhu, G., Wilhite, S., & Rogers, D. (2020). Clinical Relevance and Practical Approach for Challenging Rectal Cancer MRI Findings. Current Radiology Reports, 8(9).
Wang, S. S., Revels, J., & Dubinsky, T. J. (2020). Double Trouble: Complications in Twin Pregnancies. Ultrasound Quarterly, 36(3), 240-246.
Wang, S. S., Shum, D., & Kennedy, A. (2020). Imaging of Postpartum/Peripartum Complications. Radiologic Clinics of North America, 58(2), 431-443.
Wilhite, S., & Rogers, D. (2020). Acute Ureteral Obstruction by Deeply Inserted Menstrual Cup. Urology, 139, e6-e7.
Winter, T. C., & Shaaban, A. (2020). The characteristic splenic calcifications of systemic lupus erythematosus. Abdominal Radiology.
Zheng, Y., Elsayes, K. M., Waranch, C., Abdelaziz, A., Menias, C. O., … Shaaban, A.M., et al. (2020). IgG4-related disease in the abdomen and pelvis: atypical findings, pitfalls, and mimics. Abdominal Radiology, 45(8), 2485-2499.
Zheng, Y., Shabana, A., Elsayes, K. M., Hamid, A., Abdelaziz, A., Menias, C. O., Shaaban, A. M., et al. (2020). Cross-Sectional Imaging Evaluation of Vascular Lesions in the Gastrointestinal Tract and Mesentery. J Comput Assist Tomogr, 44(6), 870-881.
Baydoun, S. E., Yang, L., Xiong, J., & Fajardo, L. L. (2020). Characteristics of Invasive Breast Cancer Detected by Digital Breast Tomosynthesis on Screening and Diagnostic Mammograms. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal.
Covington, M. F. (2021). Contrast-Enhanced Mammography Implementation, Performance, and Use for Supplemental Breast Cancer Screening. Radiol Clin North Am, 59(1), 113-128.
Freer, P. E. (2021). An Emerging Era for Breast Imaging. Radiol Clin North Am, 59(1), xiii-xiv.
Freer, P. E. (2021). The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Breast Imaging. Radiol Clin North Am, 59(1), 1-11.
Ghani, M. U., Fajardo, L. L., Omoumi, F. H., Wong, M. D., Li, Y., Wu, X., et al. (2020). Initial results from a high-energy X-ray inline phase sensitive breast tomosynthesis (PBT) prototype system. Paper presented at the Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.
Morgan, M. B., & Mates, J. L. (2021). Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Breast Imaging. Radiol Clin North Am, 59(1), 139-148.
Pandika, V., & Covington, M. F. (2020). FDG PET/CT and Ultrasound Evaluation of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma. Clinical nuclear medicine, 45(1), 68-73.
Vakanski, A., Xian, M., & Freer, P. E. (2020). Attention-Enriched Deep Learning Model for Breast Tumor Segmentation in Ultrasound Images. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 46(10), 2819-2833.
Aberegg, S. K., Cirulis, M. M., Maddock, S. D., Freeman, A., Schroeder, J., Mann, H., Pirozzi, C. S., et al. (2020). Clinical, Bronchoscopic, and Imaging Findings of e-Cigarette, or Vaping, Product Use-Associated Lung Injury Among Patients Treated at an Academic Medical Center. JAMA Netw Open, 3(11), e2019176.
Batlle, J. C., Kirsch, J., Bolen, M. A., Bandettini, W. P., Brown, R. K. J., Francois, C. J., et al. (2020). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Chest Pain-Possible Acute Coronary Syndrome. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 17(5), S55-S69.
Beache, G. M., Mohammed, T. L. H., Hurwitz Koweek, L. M., Ghoshhajra, B. B., Brown, R. K. J., Davis, A. M., et al. (2020). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Acute Nonspecific Chest Pain-Low Probability of Coronary Artery Disease. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 17(11), S346-S354.
Castaldi, P. J., Boueiz, A., Yun, J., Estepar, R. S. J., … Schroeder, J., et al. (2020). Machine Learning Characterization of COPD Subtypes: Insights From the COPDGene Study. Chest, 157(5), 1147-1157.
Csécs, I., Yamaguchi, T., Kheirkhahan, M., Czimbalmos, C., Fochler, F., Kholmovski, E. G., et al. (2020). Left atrial functional and structural changes associated with ablation of atrial fibrillation - Cardiac magnetic resonance study. International Journal of Cardiology, 305, 154-160.
Dunican, E. M., Elicker, B. M., Henry, T., Gierada, D. S., Schiebler, M. L., Anderson, W., Schroeder, J., et al. (2020). Mucus Plugs and Emphysema in the Pathophysiology of Airflow Obstruction and Hypoxemia in Smokers. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.
Ghosh, A. J., Moll, M., Hayden, L. P., Bon, J., … Schroeder, J., et al. (2020). Vitamin D deficiency is associated with respiratory symptoms and airway wall thickening in smokers with and without COPD: A prospective cohort study. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 20(1).
Gunasekaran, S., Haji-Valizadeh, H., Lee, D. C., Avery, R. J., Wilson, B. D., Ibrahim, M., Kholmovski, E., et al. (2020). Accelerated 3D Left Atrial Late Gadolinium Enhancement in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation at 1.5 T: Technical Development. Radiol Cardiothorac Imaging, 2(5), e200134.
Hersh, C. P., Zacharia, S., Chelvan, R. P. A., Hayden, L. P., … Schroeder, J., et al. (2020). Immunoglobulin E as a biomarker for the overlap of atopic asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases, 7(1), 1-12.
Kamali, R., Schroeder, J., DiBella, E., Steinberg, B., Han, F., Dosdall, D. J., et al. (2020). Reproducibility of clinical late gadolinium enhancement magnetic resonance imaging in detecting left atrial scar after atrial fibrillation ablation. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology.
Kheirkhahan, M., Baher, A., Goldooz, M., Kholmovski, E. G., Morris, A. K., Csecs, I., et al. (2020). Left atrial fibrosis progression detected by LGE-MRI after ablation of atrial fibrillation. PACE - Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 43(4), 402-411.
Kirstein, B., Morris, A., Baher, A., Csécs, I., Kheirkhahan ,… Kholmovski, E. G., et al. (2020). Magnetic resonance imaging–guided cryoballoon ablation for left atrial substrate modification in patients with atrial fibrillation. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 31(7), 1587-1594.
Maggiore, P., Huang, A. L., Anastasius, M., Brown, R., Boroditsky, J., Ariel, E., et al. (2020). A comparative assessment of the performance of a state-of-the art small footprint dedicated cardiovascular CT scanner. Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography.
Mendes, J. K., Adluru, G., Likhite, D., Fair, M. J., Gatehouse, P. D., Tian, Y., et al. (2020). Quantitative 3D myocardial perfusion with an efficient arterial input function. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 83(6), 1949-1963.
Peritz, D. C., Catino, A. B., Csecs, I., Kaur, G., … Kholmovski, E. G., et al. (2020). High-intensity endurance training is associated with left atrial fibrosis. American Heart Journal, 226, 206-213.
Smith-Bindman, R., Chu, P., Wang, Y., Chung, R., Lopez-Solano, N., … Duong, P.-A., et al. (2020). Comparison of the Effectiveness of Single-Component and Multicomponent Interventions for Reducing Radiation Doses in Patients Undergoing Computed Tomography: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Internal Medicine, 180(5), 666-675.
Tian, Y., Mendes, J., Wilson, B., Ross, A., Ranjan, R., DiBella, E., et al. (2020). Whole-heart, ungated, free-breathing, cardiac-phase-resolved myocardial perfusion MRI by using Continuous Radial Interleaved simultaneous Multi-slice acquisitions at sPoiled steady-state (CRIMP). Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Young, A. L., Bragman, F. J. S., Rangelov, B., Han, M. K., Galbán, C. J., Lynch, D. A., … Schroeder, J. … et al. (2020). Disease progression modeling in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 201(3), 294-302.
Hunter, L., Moser, J., Sturge, C., Barraza, G., & Colonna, S. (2020). First-line pembrolizumab therapy in a cisplatin-ineligible patient with plasmacytoid urothelial carcinoma: A case report. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 26(1), 216-219.
McDonald, J., Bayrak-Toydemir, P., DeMille, D., Wooderchak-Donahue, W., & Whitehead, K. (2020). Curaçao diagnostic criteria for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia is highly predictive of a pathogenic variant in ENG or ACVRL1 (HHT1 and HHT2). Genetics in Medicine, 22(7), 1201-1205.
Meabon, J. S., Cook, D. G., Yagi, M., Terry, G. E., Cross, D. J., Muzi, M., et al. (2020). Chronic elevation of plasma vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) is associated with a history of blast exposure. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 417.
Mihalopoulos, N. L., Yap, J. T., Beardmore, B., Holubkov, R., Nanjee, M. N., & Hoffman, J. M. (2020). Cold-Activated Brown Adipose Tissue is Associated with Less Cardiometabolic Dysfunction in Young Adults with Obesity. Obesity, 28(5), 916-923.
Solanki, A. A., Savir-Baruch, B., Liauw, S. L., Michalski, J., Tward, J. D., … Hoffman, J.M., et al. (2020). 18F-Fluciclovine Positron Emission Tomography in Men With Biochemical Recurrence of Prostate Cancer After Radical Prostatectomy and Planning to Undergo Salvage Radiation Therapy: Results from LOCATE. Practical Radiation Oncology, 10(5), 354-362.
Swami, U., Yap, J. T., & Agarwal, N. (2020). Radioisotope Imaging and Therapy for Bone Metastasis in Men with Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. JAMA Oncology, 6(2), 225-226.
Von Mehren, M., George, S., Heinrich, M. C., Schuetze, S. M., Yap, J. T., Yu, J. Q., et al. (2020). Linsitinib (OSI-906) for the treatment of adult and pediatric wild-type gastrointestinal stromal tumors, a SARC phase II study. Clinical Cancer Research, 26(8), 1837-1845.
Ziv, E., Zhang, Y., Kelly, L., Nikolovski, I., Edward Boas, F., Erinjeri, J. P., … Brown, K.T., et al. (2020). NRF2 dysregulation in hepatocellular carcinoma and ischemia: A cohort study and laboratory investigation. Radiology, 297(1), 225-234.
Borgheresi, A., Covey, A., Yarmohammadi, H., Boas, F. E., Ziv, E., … Brown, K.T., et al. (2020). Embolization with microspheres alone for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor: analysis of outcome and liver function at disease progression. HPB, 22(4), 588-594.
Brown, K. T. (2020). Does Neutrophil/Leukocyte Ratio Predict Distant Metastases or Only Local Progression? Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 31(5), 867.
Brown, K. T. (2020). Is Ablation > 30 Days after Transarterial Chemoembolization a “Combined Procedure”? Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 31(4), 698-699.
Culler, K., Eiswirth, P., Donaldson, J., Green, J., & Rajeswaran, S. (2020). Deep Vein Thrombosis Due to Fecal Impaction. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, 42(8), e772-e774.
Hoffmann, J. C., Minkin, J., Karimi, V., Warhadpande, S., Khaja, M. S., Kaufman, C., et al. (2020). Assessing the Status of Mentorship Programs in Interventional Radiology Residency Training: Results of a 2018 Survey. Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology, 49(3), 154-156.
Kahn, S. R., Julian, J. A., Kearon, C., Gu, C. S., Cohen, D. J., Magnuson, E. A., (…) Brown, K., et al. (2020). Quality of life after pharmacomechanical catheter-directed thrombolysis for proximal deep venous thrombosis. Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders, 8(1), 8-23.e18.
Smith, T. A., Hardman, R. L., Jenkins, L., Marashi, K., O'Hara, R., & Cizman, Z. (2020). Extracellular Matrix Enterocutaneous Fistula Plugs Show Promise for Low-Flow Colocutaneous and Enterocutaneous Fistulae. J Vasc Interv Radiol.
Smith, T., & Quencer, K. B. (2020). Best Practice Guidelines: Imaging surveillance after endovascular aneurysm repair. American Journal of Roentgenology, 214(5), 1165-1174.
Bigolin Lanfredi, R., Schroeder, J. D., Vachet, C., & Tasdizen, T. (2020). Interpretation of Disease Evidence for Medical Images Using Adversarial Deformation Fields, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 12262 LNCS, pp. 738-748).
Guo, Z., Lauritsch, G., Maier, A., & Noo, F. (2020). C-arm CT imaging using the extended line-ellipse-line trajectory: Seamless FBP reconstruction from real data. Paper presented at the Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE.
Guo, Z., Lauritsch, G., Maier, A., Kugler, P., Islam, M., Vogt, F., Noo, F., et al. (2020). C-arm CT imaging with the extended line-ellipse-line trajectory: First implementation on a state-of-the-art robotic angiography system. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 65(18).
Haase, V., Stierstorfer, K., Hahn, K., Schöndube, H., Maier, A., & Noo, F. (2020). An improved combination of ordered subsets and momentum for fast model-based iterative CT reconstruction. Paper presented at the Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE.
HashemizadehKolowri, S. K., Chen, R. R., Adluru, G., Ying, L., & DiBella, E. V. R. (2020). Coil-combined split slice-GRAPPA for simultaneous multi-slice diffusion MRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 66, 9-21.
Hofstetter, L. W., Fausett, L., Mueller, A., Odéen, H., Payne, A., Christensen, D. A., et al. (2020). Development and characterization of a tissue mimicking psyllium husk gelatin phantom for ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 37(1), 283-290.
Hofstetter, L. W., & Parker, D. L. (2020). Erratum: The Role of Viscosity in the Impulse Diffraction Field of Elastic Waves Induced by the Acoustic Radiation Force' and 'Supersonic Shear Imaging: A New Technique for Soft Tissue Elasticity Mapping (IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr. Freq. Control (2004) 51: 4 (396-409)
Hofstetter, L. W., & Parker, D. L. (2020). Corrections to "The Role of Viscosity in the Impulse Diffraction Field of Elastic Waves Induced by the Acoustic Radiation Force" and "Supersonic Shear Imaging: A New Technique for Soft Tissue Elasticity Mapping". IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, 67(7), 1492-1494.
Payne, A., Minalga, E., Merrill, R., Parker, D. L., & Hadley, J. R. (2020). Technical Note: Effect of transducer position and ground plane configuration on image quality in MR-guided focused ultrasound therapies. Medical Physics, 47(6), 2350-2355.
Xu, J., & Noo, F. (2020). A Robust Regularizer for Multiphase CT. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 39(7), 2327-2338.
Blaichman, J. I., Chan, B., Michelin, P., & Lee, K. S. (2020). US-guided musculoskeletal interventions in the hip with MRI and US correlation. Radiographics, 40(1), 181-199.
Berg, O. K., Kwon, O. S., Hureau, T. J., Clifton, H. L., Thurston, T. S., Jeong, E.K., Le Fur, Y., et al. (2020). Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Adaptations to Maximal Strength Training in Older Adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 75(12), 2269-2277.
Chan, B. Y., Crawford, A. M., Kobes, P. H., Allen, H., Leake, R. L., Hanrahan, C. J., et al. (2020). Septic arthritis: An evidence-based review of diagnosis and image-guided aspiration. American Journal of Roentgenology, 215(3), 568-581.
Leake, R. L., Mills, M. K., Allen, H., Crawford, A. M., Kobes, P. H., & Soltanolkotabi, M. (2020). MRI of the Wrist Ligaments. Topics in magnetic resonance imaging : TMRI, 29(5), 209-220.
Li, N. P., Wingfield, M. A., Mills, M. K., Beckett, B. R., & Hansford, B. G. (2020). Percutaneous image-guided sternal biopsy: a cross-institutional retrospective review of diagnostic yield and safety in 50 cases. Skeletal Radiology.
Meek, R. D., Mills, M. K., Hanrahan, C. J., Beckett, B. R., Leake, R. L.,Allen, H., et al. (2020). Pearls and pitfalls for soft-tissue and bone biopsies: A cross-institutional review. Radiographics, 40(1), 266-290.
Morgan, P., Crawford, A., Marette, S., Takahashi, T., Luchsinger, J., Kirkham, J., et al. (2020). Using a simplified version of a common surgical grading scale for acetabular labral tears improves the utility of preoperative hip MRI for femoroacetabular impingement. Skeletal Radiology.
Sripanich, Y., Steadman, J., Krähenbühl, N., Rungprai, C., Mills, M. K., Saltzman, C. L., et al. (2020). Asymmetric lambda sign of the second tarsometatarsal joint on axial weight-bearing cone-beam CT scans of the foot: preliminary investigation for diagnosis of subtle ligamentous Lisfranc injuries in a cadaveric model. Skeletal Radiology, 49(10), 1615-1621.
Weintraub, M. D., Hansford, B. G., Stilwill, S. E., Allen, H., Leake, R. L., Hanrahan, C. J., et al. (2020). Avulsion injuries of the hand and wrist. Radiographics, 40(1), 163-180.
Agarwal, N., Ahmed, A. K., Wiggins, R. H., 3rd, McCulley, T. J., Kontzialis, M., Macedo, L. L., et al. (2020). Segmental Imaging of the Trochlear Nerve: Anatomic and Pathologic Considerations. J Neuroophthalmol.
Aylward, A., Auduong, P., Anderson, J. S., Zielinski, B. A., Wang, A. Y., Weng, C., et al. (2020). Changes in the Auditory Association Cortex in Dementing Illnesses. Otol Neurotol, 41(10), 1327-1333.
Baradaran, H., Demissie, S., Himali, J. J., Beiser, A., Gupta, A., Polak, J. F., et al. (2020). The progression of carotid atherosclerosis and imaging markers of dementia. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions, 6(1).
Baradaran, H., & Gupta, A. (2020). Brain imaging biomarkers of carotid artery disease. Ann Transl Med, 8(19), 1277.
Cohen, A. L., Anker, C. J., Johnson, B., Burt, L. M., Shrieve, D. C., Salzman, K., et al. (2020). Repeat radiation with bevacizumab and minocycline in bevacizumab-refractory high grade gliomas: a prospective phase 1 trial. Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 148(3), 577-585.
Conger, A., Shah, L., Shah, V., & McCormick, Z. (2020). Cone Beam Tomosynthesis: An Emerging Technology for Procedural Image Guidance. Pain Med, 21(10), 2610-2613.
Costello, J. E., Shah, L. M., Peckham, M. E., Hutchins, T. A., & Anzai, Y. (2020). Imaging Appropriateness for Neck Pain. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 17(5), 584-589.
Cross, D. J., Meabon, J. S., Cline, M. M., Richards, T. L., Stump, A. J., Cross, C. G., et al. (2020). Paclitaxel Reduces Brain Injury from Repeated Head Trauma in Mice, Advances in Alzheimer's Disease (Vol. 7, pp. 369-384).
Hammers, D. B., Kucera, A., Spencer, R. J., Abildskov, T. J., Archibald, Z. G., Hoffman, J. M., et al. (2020). Examining the Relationship between a Verbal Incidental Learning Measure from the WAIS-IV and Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Pathology. Developmental Neuropsychology, 45(3), 95-109.
Kamel, H., Navi, B. B., Merkler, A. E., Baradaran, H., Díaz, I., Parikh, N. S., et al. (2020). Reclassification of Ischemic Stroke Etiological Subtypes on the Basis of High-Risk Nonstenosing Carotid Plaque. Stroke, 51(2), 504-510.
Lord, J., Paz Soldan, M. M., Galli, J., Salzman, K. L., Kresser, J., Bacharach, R., et al. (2020). Neurosarcoidosis: Longitudinal experience in a single-center, academic healthcare system. Neurology(R) neuroimmunology & neuroinflammation, 7(4).
Meabon, J. S., Cook, D. G., Yagi, M., Terry, G. E., Cross, D. J., Muzi, M., et al. (2020). Chronic elevation of plasma vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) is associated with a history of blast exposure. J Neurol Sci, 417, 117049.
Merkler, A. E., Alakbarli, J., Barbar, T., Baradaran, H., Adejumo, O., Navi, B. B., et al. (2020). Between the size and location of myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 419.
Peckham, M. E., Shah, L. M., Johnson, S. M., Ryals, E., Noda, G., & Hutchins, T. A. (2020). Defining Disc Biopsy Timing in Relation to Blood Culture Results for Inpatients with Suspected Discitis-Osteomyelitis. J Vasc Interv Radiol.
Pfister, D. G., Spencer, S., Adelstein, D., Adkins, D., Anzai, Y., Brizel, D. M., et al. (2020). Head and Neck Cancers, Version 2.2020, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN, 18(7), 873-898.
Prisciandaro, J. J., Schacht, J. P., Prescot, A. P., Brenner, H. M., Renshaw, P. F., Brown, T. R., et al. (2020). Intraindividual changes in brain GABA, glutamate, and glutamine during monitored abstinence from alcohol in treatment-naive individuals with alcohol use disorder. Addict Biol, 25(6), e12810.
Shah, L. M., & Bisson, E. F. (2020). Susceptibility of Cervical Spinal Stenosis to Hypoxic-Ischemic Cord Injury. World Neurosurgery, 133, 314-317.
Shah, L. M., & Bisson, E. F. (2020). In Reply to the Letter to the Editor Regarding “Susceptibility of Cervical Spinal Stenosis to Hypoxic-Ischemic Cord Injury”. World Neurosurgery, 136, 441.
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