Calling all Residents and Medical students!!
We are excited to announce that submissions are now being accepted for the clinical case competition of Imaging Elevated 2024.
I'm a busy resident or medical student, why would I do this?
Experience speaking in front of a diverse audience of physicians can be useful no matter what type of practice you join. For those heading to private practice, having great public speaking skills will come in handy when you must present to a hospital board why you need more funding for equipment, negotiate contracts or market to providers. For those heading to academics, lecturing and public speaking is commonplace.
How the case competition works
Cases will be presented on Friday, Oct 25th from 11am – 12pm in The Officers Club at the University Guest House, 150 South Fort Douglas Blvd.
• Each case should present interesting diagnostic images, and a short patient history followed by a discussion of how a diagnosis was made.
• Each presenter will have 3 minutes to present his or her case via a PowerPoint presentation at the podium.
• Faculty judges will then have 1-2 minutes for follow-up questions. Judges will score your presentation based on your logic, clarity, and overall presentation skills. The difficulty of the diagnosis is not a factor in judging.
• We do have limited spots, due to time, so depending on the sign-up results we may not be able to have every single person interested present but as a committee we will do our best to accommodate as many students as possible.
*We are no longer accepting submissions*
Please feel free to reach out to Jessica Colon (jessica.colon@hsc.utah.edu) with any additional questions you may have.