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We are excited to announce that submissions are now being accepted for the poster contest of Imaging Elevated 2024.  
Imaging Elevated is a major research and educational event for the Department of Radiology Imaging Sciences.  If you have a topic within the realm of Imaging Research, we want you to come display and discuss your work.  

The poster session is part of our exciting and interactive Exhibit Hall, which will include:
•    Hands-on exhibit tables from researchers
•    Hands-on exhibit tables from clinical educators
•    Exhibit tables from industry partners and our very own UMRC
•    Trainee poster competition

Please submit a title and abstract not to exceed ½ page. Deadline is October 1, 2024.

Posters will be set up and have a brief "teaser" session on Thursday at 11:30am.

The actual dedicated time for Poster Session and Judging will be on Friday from 12-1pm.

The top 3 posters will be awarded Amazon gift cards by our judges. Residents, fellows, graduate students and postdocs are all encouraged to submit an abstract to be presented as a poster for Imaging Elevated. New work and abstracts that were accepted or appeared in the past year are welcome. Older abstracts or ones that have been presented at Imaging Elevated in the past are not permitted.

*Registration for this event is now closed*

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Sheila at IE 2022

Sheila Martinez

Academic Office Information
