MRI Technologist Program Curriculum
The MRI Technologist curriculum is accomplished with a combination of didactic and clinical learning experiences. Clinical schedules are arranged and class sessions are held two half days a week. Students are encouraged to complete 24 hours of clinical education a week and are expected to attend all classes. At the completion of the program, the student will have completed 550 clinical and 100 didactic hours and proven competency in all clinical experience requirements. All courses and clinical education are measured in clock hours.
Course Descriptions
Introduction to Magnetic Resonance Imaging
This unit will provide the student with an overview of magnetic resonance imaging. The structure of the program and student responsibilities will be discussed.
Physical Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
This unit is designed to provide the student with a comprehensive overview of MR imaging and is required to develop an understanding of MR image acquisition and the hardware used in the acquisition of images.
Imaging Procedures
This unit will provide the student with cross-sectional anatomy and imaging techniques through individual topics of the following; central nervous system, neck, thorax, musculoskeletal system and abdominopelvic regions. Anatomical structures and the plane that best demonstrates anatomy will be discussed as well as signal characteristics of normal and abnormal structures.
MRI Pathology
This unit will familiarize the student with the common pathologies found in magnetic resonance imaging and their appearance with various imaging protocols.
Sectional Anatomy
This is a study of human anatomy as seen in axial, sagittal and coronal planes. Sectional anatomy is taught jointly with the CT program.
Clinical Education
Clinical education provides the students with a competency based clinical education system that is necessary to become proficient in the entry-level skills required of a MRI technologist. The student is required to complete a total of 550 clinical hours. Students work on completing the clinical experience requirements as defined by the ARRT. Clinical education provides students the opportunity to practice the skills that are necessary to obtain high quality MR images, to objectively alter protocols based on patient pathology or physical condition, identify image quality problems and make appropriate corrections and work effectively with patients.
Clinical Rotations
Students will have the opportunity to complete clinical rotations at the University Hospital, Huntsman Cancer Hospital, the Imaging and Neurosciences Center (INC), the Clinical Neurosciences Center (CNC), South Jordan Health Center, Farmington Health Center and the University Orthopaedic Center. The program faculty decide student placement. Students rotate clinical placements to ensure equitable experiences for all students. Students are allowed the flexibility to determine their own clinical schedule but should be able to complete a minimum of 24 hours a week. All Clinicals need to be completed at University clinics.
Apply Now
Our Technologist Education Programs are in high demand and are competitive. We encourage you to apply and will walk you through the process.